Top 9 Excel Formulas and Functions

Top 9 Excel Formulas and Functions

Microsoft Excel is a powerhouse for data analysis, calculations, and automation. To help you make the most of its capabilities, here is a comprehensive list of essential Excel formulas, organized by functionality

A. Mathematical and Arithmetic Formulas.
  1. =SUM(A1:A10) - Adds numbers in a range.
  2. =AVERAGE(A1:A10) - Calculates the average of a range.
  3. =PRODUCT(A1:A10) - Multiplies all numbers in a range.
  4. =SUBTOTAL(1, A1:A10) - Calculates a subtotal for a range.
  5. =MOD(A1, B1) - Returns the remainder of division.
  6. =ROUND(A1, 2) - Rounds a number to 2 decimal places.
  7. =CEILING(A1, 1) - Rounds a number up to the nearest multiple.
  8. =FLOOR(A1, 1) - Rounds a number down to the nearest multiple.
  9. =ABS(A1) - Returns the absolute value of a number.

B. Logical Formulas

  1. =IF(A1>10, "Yes", "No") - Checks if a condition is met.
  2. =AND(A1>10, B1<20) - Returns TRUE if all conditions are true.
  3. =OR(A1>10, B1<20) - Returns TRUE if any condition is true.
  4. =NOT(A1>10) - Reverses the logical value.
  5. =IFERROR(A1/B1, "Error") - Handles errors in calculations
C. Text Formulas

  1. =CONCAT(A1, B1) - Combines text from multiple cells.

  2. =LEFT(A1, 5) - Extracts the first 5 characters of a string.

  3. =RIGHT(A1, 5) - Extracts the last 5 characters of a string.

  4. =MID(A1, 2, 5) - Extracts 5 characters starting from the 2nd character.

  5. =LEN(A1) - Counts the number of characters in a string.

  6. =TRIM(A1) - Removes extra spaces from text.

  7. =UPPER(A1) - Converts text to uppercase.

  8. =LOWER(A1) - Converts text to lowercase.

  9. =TEXT(A1, "MM/DD/YYYY") - Formats a value as text.

D. Lookup and Reference Formulas

  1. =VLOOKUP(10, A1:B10, 2, FALSE) - Searches for a value vertically.

  2. =HLOOKUP(10, A1:Z10, 2, FALSE) - Searches for a value horizontally.

  3. =INDEX(A1:B10, 2, 1) - Returns a value at a specific position.

  4. =MATCH(10, A1:A10, 0) - Finds the position of a value in a range.

  5. =OFFSET(A1, 2, 3) - Returns a reference to a range offset from a given cell.

E. Date and Time Formulas

  1. =TODAY() - Returns the current date.

  2. =NOW() - Returns the current date and time.

  3. =DATE(2024, 12, 25) - Creates a specific date.

  4. =DAY(A1) - Extracts the day from a date.

  5. =MONTH(A1) - Extracts the month from a date.

  6. =YEAR(A1) - Extracts the year from a date.

  7. =HOUR(A1) - Extracts the hour from a time.

  8. =MINUTE(A1) - Extracts the minute from a time.

  9. =NETWORKDAYS(A1, B1) - Calculates working days between two dates.

F. Financial Formulas

  1. =PMT(5%/12, 60, -50000) - Calculates loan payments.

  2. =FV(5%/12, 60, -500, -50000) - Calculates the future value of an investment.

  3. =NPV(5%, A1:A10) - Calculates net present value.

  4. =IRR(A1:A10) - Calculates internal rate of return.

G. Statistical Formulas

  1. =MAX(A1:A10) - Finds the maximum value in a range.

  2. =MIN(A1:A10) - Finds the minimum value in a range.

  3. =COUNT(A1:A10) - Counts numeric values in a range.

  4. =COUNTA(A1:A10) - Counts non-empty cells.

  5. =COUNTIF(A1:A10, ">10") - Counts cells meeting a condition.

H. Array Formulas

  1. =TRANSPOSE(A1:A10) - Converts a row to a column or vice versa.

  2. =UNIQUE(A1:A10) - Returns unique values from a range.

  3. =SORT(A1:A10) - Sorts a range.

I. Error Checking Formulas

  1. =ISERROR(A1/B1) - Checks if a formula results in an error.

  2. =ISNUMBER(A1) - Checks if a cell contains a number.

  3. =ISBLANK(A1) - Checks if a cell is empty.
These formulas can significantly enhance your productivity and make complex tasks much easier. Start experimenting with these formulas in your day-to-day work and watch your efficiency. Do you have a specific formula or task in mind.

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